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We are proud to invest in the powerful work taking place at The Family Institute. Our family and our relationships mean everything to us. We want to help all families have access to behavioral health resources when needed. We are also excited to support research and education to further understand and positively impact what is such a vital part of every person’s life.

Larry and Katie Sullivan

The Family Institute at Northwestern University brings together the right partners to support children, adults, couples and families across the lifespan. As a donor, you are a critical partner in this collaborative care model.

Your support provides therapists opportunities to partner with clients and one another, ensuring the highest quality of care and service excellence. Your gift allows us to serve the needs of all families, regardless of their ability to pay. Your contribution establishes an incubator for both research and education, connecting science with practice as researchers, educators and therapists collaborate with clients. Your generosity creates change for children, adults, couples, families and our community.

Thank you for being our partner.