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Your friend, Rachel, doesn’t let her wife fold her laundry because she is “so OCD about it.”

Watching an HGTV show, one of the cast members says he is “so OCD” about having the two windows perfectly symmetrical to one another.

A Quick Guide

What is CBT?1

That is an excellent question and one that a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) clinician will routinely and proactively address with a client in a first treatment session or in an introductory call.

A Podcast Series from The Family Institute

Nikki Lively interviews Dr. Kara Driscoll, reproductive psychiatrist and founder of The Allegro Center, LLC in Chicago. Dr. Driscoll explores common myths and fears surrounding the use of psychotropic medications while pregnant and breastfeeding and the role of hormones in women's moods in the postpartum period.