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When Siblings Struggle

A study published in the March/April 2010 journal Child Development reported that sibling conflict involving older teens tends to erupt primarily around personal boundary issues. Here are some steps you can take to help minimize conflict between your teen and his or her siblings.

Your Start-Up

Studies reveals that couples who get their tough conversations and arguments "off the ground" poorly face a surprisingly high likelihood of divorce. What gets them into trouble? The harsh start-up. It's when the opening lines of a complaint feature a hostile tone and raised voice, put-downs, disdain or contempt for a spouse's traits — all the ways we trigger hurt and fear, along with the defensiveness that follows.
Sky-high cholesterol and off-the-charts blood pressure aren't the only ways we put our health at risk. Research out of Ohio State University and reported in the December, 2005 issue of Archives of General Psychiatry revealed that certain levels of marital conflict were associated with the body's ability to heal itself.