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Jacob Goldsmith, Ph.D., LCP • May 19, 2016

With marriage rates on the decline in the US and abroad, what does the future of romantic relationship look like? Rather than predicting the death of marriage, Dr. Goldsmith talks about the rise of pluralism; the idea that there is more than one right way of doing relationships. Considering the history of relationships as well as present trends, Dr. Goldsmith discusses pluralism as a way of reducing stigma and increasing personal responsibility in defining the kind of relationship that works best for each person.

Dr. Jacob Goldsmith is the Associate Clinical Director of the Epstein Center for Psychotherapy Change, at The Family Institute at Northwestern University. He is a licensed clinical psychologist at The Family Institute, and a Clinical Lecturer in Psychology at Northwestern University.

Dr. Goldsmith maintains a clinical practice with a broad focus on young adults, including work on identity development, sexual identity and relationship problems. He teaches, writes and conducts research on issues related to young adulthood, client-therapist relationships and empirically-informed therapy. He has lectured and presented nationally and internationally on topics such as transition to adulthood, young adult romantic relationships, parents' relationships with young adults, gender and sexuality and empirically-informed therapy.