Co-authored article in The Family Psychologist
Co-authored article in The Family Psychologist
August 09, 2018
Anthony Chambers, Ph.D., ABPP, Chief Academic Officer, and Danielle Black, Ph.D., LCP, Director of Postdoctoral Fellowships, co-authored an article in the July issue of The Family Psychologist about difficulties of training at the postdoctoral level. The Family Psychologist is the American Psychological Association's newsletter for Div. 43, Society for Couple and Family Psychology.
"There are two general areas of challenge in [Couple & Family Psychology] CFP postdoctoral training. The first challenge is at the programmatic level and involves financial constraints. In order to meet the basic APPIC accreditation for postdoctoral programs, the program must include individual supervision (two hours) and two didactic experiences (a full year of formal didactic experience) plus the time to administer the postdoctoral program. Thus, a high-quality CFP postdoctoral program requires a financial investment from the training institution."
Read the article to learn more
The Family Institute at Northwestern University offers two-year postdoctoral fellowships in couple and family therapy with two tracks: a clinical scholar track and a clinical research track.