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Implications for Treatment, Prevention & Research

Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) refers to deliberate, socially unacceptable destruction of one's own body tissue performed without the intention to die. Research shows that about 1 in 25 adults has engaged in NSSI, but rates are significantly higher among adolescents: around 1 in 5 engage in NSSI, and among adolescents hospitalized for psychiatric issues, rates are considerably higher (40-80%).

Tell your college-age sons and daughters that more than 1,800 college students die from alcohol-related accidents each year, and nearly 600,000 are injured while drunk.1 Tell them that over half a million are assaulted by another student under the influence, and 97,000 are victims of alcohol-related sexual assault or date rape.2

Boomerang Effect

High conflict couples may try to keep denigrating comments out of the kids’ earshot, but angry words can travel through walls and doors before the children have fallen off to sleep at night.

Helping Adolescents Thrive

Adolescence is often viewed negatively — as a difficult time of transition that exposes youth to a range of risk factors. Indeed, research has demonstrated that children are at increased risk for drug and alcohol use, sexual risk behavior, and physical fights as they transition into adolescence (Brooks, Harris, Thrall, Woods, et al. 2002). However, while adolescents face increased risk factors, most do not succumb to them.

Surviving Childhood Sexual Abuse

Childhood experiences greatly influence our adult relationships, choices, and habits. Some experiences children face, though, are far more detrimental than others. Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) is an atrocity that causes a great deal of pain and suffering for adult survivors, and researchers have continued to study the long-term effects of CSA on adults.

Kids & Alcohol - Part II

How can parents determine "what's going on?" It starts with conversation. Say: "I've noticed changes in your behavior lately that concern me. I want to understand what's going on." Hang in patiently, without anger, if your son or daughter begins with little or nothing to say.

Kids & Alcohol - Part 1

Most 6-year-olds know that alcohol is for adults only. But once they hit the tween years (9 to 12) and beyond, many are willing to give it a try. That's why it's never too early to talk with youngsters about the dangers of underage drinking. (Studies show that teens say they rely on adults in their lives to help them make tough decisions. That's our cue to step in.)

The Rewards of Extracurricular Activity Participation for Children

Researchers have begun to closely consider the developmental consequences of extracurricular activity participation. Converging evidence suggests that adolescents’ participation in extracurricular activities is linked with higher academic achievement as well as other aspects of positive development (Eccles, Barber, Stone, & Hunt, 2003).
Adolescence is a significant developmental period in which numerous changes occur, including the biological changes of puberty; greater autonomy from parents and family; increased time spent with peers; and the tendency to engage in greater exploration and risk-taking behaviors, like experimentation with alcohol. At the same time these changes are occurring, however, adolescents’ brains are developing in important ways. From birth through childhood, brain tissue and neurons are overproduced; then, during adolescence, the brain begins to strengthen the connections that are used, and connections that are not used are eliminated (Spear, 2000).