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A Podcast Series from The Family Institute

Nikki Lively, Clinical Director of the Transitions to Parenthood program, speaks with Adam, father of two, about his experience becoming a father for the first time, and beyond. 

A Podcast Series from The Family Institute

In this episode of Let's Talk, Nikki Lively, Clinical Director of the Transitions to Parenthood program, interviews a first time mother about her experiences in the transition to motherhood. T

Northwestern Alumni Career Webinars

We are living longer than ever; and more of this time is spent after our primary career or focus of effort is over. In this discussion, we covered the key personal and emotional components that predict successful aging. Recent research and evolving understanding was presented to facilitate preparation for this important life stage.

Chronic health conditions affect Americans in virtually all facets of society, causing many to experience physical or mental difficulties, and sometimes both. People with such difficulties often require a caregiver to assist with their daily functioning.

Helping Adolescents Thrive

Adolescence is often viewed negatively — as a difficult time of transition that exposes youth to a range of risk factors. Indeed, research has demonstrated that children are at increased risk for drug and alcohol use, sexual risk behavior, and physical fights as they transition into adolescence (Brooks, Harris, Thrall, Woods, et al. 2002). However, while adolescents face increased risk factors, most do not succumb to them.

Research has demonstrated that emerging adulthood is a crucial developmental period for ethnic identity exploration

Emerging adulthood, a developmental period situated between adolescence and young adulthood, is an “age of explorations:” a time in life in which one of the tasks is to determine who one is and how one fits into society (Arnett, 2000, 2006). The concept of emerging adulthood refers to a period in which young people are legally adult but do not yet see themselves as fully adult, and have not taken on the range of responsibilities that are characteristic of adulthood in developed societies (Arnett, 2000).

Transition to Parenthood

The transition to parenthood can be an exciting time for couples, full of anticipation and hope for the future. In preparing to become parents, couples often focus on childbirth and childrearing. Hospitals, bookstores, and the Internet offer extensive resources on childbirth, breastfeeding, and infant care. However, less attention is given to the couple’s relationship, and the considerable changes it will experience when a child enters the family.