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Including Tips for Parents

Benjamin Rosen, Ph.D.
• December 27, 2018

In this edition, Benjamin Rosen, Ph.D., explores the complexity of the existing research on the effects of increased digital media consumption on children and adolescents. He argues that while some concerns are valid, others are often overgeneralized and sensationalized. The situation is not as dire as some fear and contextual factors matter.

Dr. Rosen provides specific strategies for parents to manage the expectations around screen time, reduce conflict and promote their children's well-being in the digital age.

Benjamin Rosen, Ph.D.

Staff Therapist
Dr. Rosen received his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology with an area of concentration in child, adolescent and family psychology. Dr. Rosen has specialized training in evidence-based interventions for children, adolescents and their families, as well as experience working with couples and individually with adults.
References & Citations

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